Firstly, I want to wish Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
The audience for this weekly Insights newsletter is a mix of Americans and Canadians. I do intend to expand my campaigns to focus on the UK and Ireland in the future. At this point my readers do celebrate Thanksgiving. Either now, or in October with the echo again this week.
All of us are likely celebrating differently this year. And what we are celebrating is likely different from last year. All the same, it’s a good opportunity to take the time to reflect on what worked.
Since I’m a big fan of reflection, I tend to take it that one step further. And ask what we can change as well.
Sounds more like something we do at New Years. Though New Years is now only 5 weeks away!!!
Maybe I’m jumping ahead. I do that. At times I need to catch myself. I get focused on what I call “progressive results”. As I approach a goal, I’m already resetting to aim for the next. Bad habit, that still, can yield a good result.
So additionally, I recognize the need of noting what we are grateful for in an end in itself. The need to find some room for it in our checkpoints, debriefs and retrospective, to acknowledging what goes into our results. What were the marketing resources we used? What was the effort expended?
Part of it is to preserve and protect it.
If this is what it took to get the results, then we want to make sure we have the same in the future. In terms of our marketing campaigns this could be budget, people, assets, audiences, advocates… It is our foundations that support our achieving our results.
After all, Thanksgiving is at it’s heart a harvest festival. And harvest happens from sowing, growing and reaping. It doesn’t just happen.
Recognizing and valuing our inputs can help us to plan for expansion as well. If asked to increase our results, we can point to the need for more staff and budget. And feel confident in our ability to achieve the increase. And anchor our requests for more marketing resources against a business case of what they will help us achieve.
Probably a different take on gratitude then you have heard this week. Maybe not so warm and fuzzy as others. But I hope food for thought on how you look at what goes into harvesting your marketing results.
Lastly, I want to say that I’m grateful you have read this newsletter! Thank you for your attention!