I don’t think I’m alone here when I say this. I’m drowning in a firehose of great online content. And while it was probably always there, it seems that the pandemic just turned up the volume. Everyone has been creating and turning out more and more stuff. (Myself included.) I guess it was there all along. Maybe we are just noticing it more.

The problem is how do you filter through it all and decide what to pay attention to and what to ignore. And deal with the FOMO fears of missing something important. Do you need to wade through tons of junk, to get there?
Of course, I’m talking about the kind of content that helps you further your work and career objectives. The kind of stuff that will help you with your go-up goals. Help you get to that next stage. (Not the kind of content you watch on a Friday night with a glass of wine. Though that doesn’t have to be mindless either, but sometimes it just does.)
If you are like me, you may have tried different things. Subscribing to lists based on recommendations from friends and colleagues. Filtering stuff into folders – that you don’t always get to. Subscribing, unsubscribing. Using services that use AI to tailor stuff for you. Listening to what resonates.
Then, I had a big aHa this week. Which is to turn it on its head. To look at a content provider and ask: Who is their ideal customer? What transformation are they promising? What is their expected customer lifetime value.
The things, that I have been working on to narrow for my own business. And I think as a marketer or business owner, you probably work on that too.
What led me to consider this is I am ready to graduate from someone I’m following, after taking their course to help me with my own online course development. While I got a lot from them, I’m ready to move on.I’m now following other people in the niche as well. I had to admit I’m not their ideal forever customer. I’ve now gotten what I need. I just haven’t hit unsubscribe yet.
It got me thinking that it would be interesting to look at other content I follow and figure out who they are targeting. And then ask: is that me? A side effect is it might help hone those targeting skills for myself if I look for it in others.
What do you think? What is your greatest challenge when choosing content and courses?