As a change maker, how do you lead employees from resistance to adoption?
It’s often said one of the common reasons transformation projects fail to take hold is employee resistance to change. Knowing that great change makers adopt strategies to deal with it head on. Inviting people to follow.
Not everyone will be resistant.
Yes, the vocal ones that tend to always resist will speak out. As squeaky wheels they exert a type of influence. There are also people who are always eager to try something new. Change champions.
And then a lot of people are in the middle. Quietly unsure but will get on board once the change process is underway. Listening to the way the wind blows.
As leaders there are several things you can actively do that can help increase the odds of employee adoption.
- Communicate the vision. Let them know the why behind the change.
- Listen actively to the resistance and seek their consent. Gather feedback from the team and let them feel heard.
- Involve some, if not all, in the implementation project.
- Include training and onboarding. Considering different ways people learn and the level of learning they need.
- Create champions or early adopters, who will evangelize the further rollout.
- Isolate the rollout from other changes. Consider a rollout pace that fits the people involved.
If you tackle resistance to change in these ways, then the odds increase that your transformation project succeeds!
I also posted this on LinkedIn. Please comment on the post how you lead employees from resistance to adoption!