Does this time of year encourage you to do an objectives review. Do you use that back-to-school feeling to launch you forward?
What does business expansion signal for you?
What comes to mind when you think of the phrase business expansion. New markets? Hiring employees? New products? Increased revenue? There is no right answer. It might signal where you want to start.
How do you qualify someone is an ideal customer?
Can you recognize your ideal customer when you see them? Do you go beyond just the problem they have in order to qualify them as ideal? What else do you consider?
Does your customer feedback strategy have a listening style?
I learnt from Duarte, Inc that there are various listening styles. And while we may have a default, we can adapt to the speaker. As a yes, and, I considered how can we use this in our customer feedback strategy. To respond better to customer needs.
What if your customer confuses the meanings of industry terms?
What if the language of the customer is contrary to what you think the industry terms means? Sometimes letting go of language and asking clarifying questions is illuminating.
Do you know how your customers make strategic decisions?
Understanding how your customers make strategic decisions can help you personalize journeys to create what they need to make a good decision.