n B2B, we often speak of the customer transformation as business outcomes. Yet, since customers are people, there is individual growth too.
Debating a monthly or annual subscription for your members? Is one better?
People with memberships said they offer both and use contrast to show multiple offers differently. A month or two free when people pay for annual. Possibly contrast in features when they are pricing at different tiers of users.
When people don’t get the problem you are talking about
What happens when people don’t get the problem or aspiration you are talking about? Maybe they are stuck in the weeds of the symptoms. What can you do about your messaging to bring them along?
Customer onboarding is an action the customer does, not you
Customer nboarding sounds like something that you do for your customer. Still, the best onboarding is based on first actions the customer takes. You are there to guide them through it. They need to commit to doing it.
Tactical empathy creates space to focus on the customer
In my latest blog post, I tell a story about a muddled conversation where everyone’s intention was good. Only the execution didn’t quite deliver. Tactical empathy would have helped instead.
The customer transformation is not the end of the story
The customer transformation is not the end of the journey. Guide your customers well, and they will guide others to your business. Use the hero’s story arch to create advocates.