Chatbots generate leads better than other tools because they offer instant engagement, personalization, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency.
Experiment with the HubSpot Chatbot Builder
The HubSpot Chatbot builder is a great free tool to use to experiment with using chatbots and start with lead generation as a business goal.
How to turn customer dissatisfaction around
When customer is dissatisfied for good reason, inserting calm, listening, being clear and direct, works wonders. And goes a long way towards building an ongoing good relationship.
Keep going on those 2023 goals!
It’s Groundhog Day. 2023 goals are set. Yet you feel execution is stalled and getting nowhere. It’s just the messy middle. Keep going.
Digital change benefits from a total experience strategy
Your digital change initiatives achieve better business outcomes when they are based on a total experience strategy, rather than a siloed approach.
How to measure success of your digital initiative
The best approach to measure success of a digital initiative factors in the specific goals and objectives of the project. And likely is something you measure over time to see the full benefits.