When you have an opportunity to survey or interview your customers, make sure that you include questions on how they use the product and how easy it is for them to do so. You might be surprised at what you hear.
Hope 2021 was a great customer experience for you
Thank you for your readership of my newsletter in 2021. I hope it was a great customer experience for you. And that you found value in it.
Do you let the customer journey guide your data collection?
If you let your customer journey guide you in terms of data collection, your customer experience and your staff workflow benefit. And so to for the insights from your analytics.
How do you differentiate your brand from the competition
To differentiate is a game of inches. Working on one or two of Daniel Burrus’ 7 failures of business growth can pull you ahead. Which one is your Achilles heel? Which ones do you do well?
What moves the needle, improvement or core practice?
Improving customer experience helps your core marketing practices. And vice versa. The two approaches work in tandem. Yes, it’s a priority to identify your customer issues. You also need to focus on your core practices.
Ask for business. Follow up with a survey.
We need to ask for business. You can always work on your delivery. Or your timing. As best practice follow up with a survey for more information.