When people are asked to describe great customer experience, most people will point to examples of when companies failed to deliver. It’s sometimes easier to describe what it isn’t rather than describe what it is. We can all share that awful horrible experience we had. Being on hold forever and then not getting what you want. […]
Have you thought about creating an online membership?
I’m attending a free workshop by Stu McLaren about creating online memberships. I ‘m sharing so that you can benefit too. Even if it’s all new to you.
What can you learn from irritating sales call requests?
I’m irritated when someone reaches out with a connection request on LinkedIn, then quickly follows up with an ask for the sales call. I’m learning to ask what does that tell me about my own sales style. I need to ask for business in a way that not only works, but works for me.
Should you offer your learning platform as a free service?
Should you offer your learning platform as a free service? I believe the answer is a very big IT DEPENDS. Often on your business model. On your products. On your revenue tiers.
I’m excited to share you my enthusiasm for Searchie
I’m really excited about Searchie because it supports my vision of helping clients increase recurring revenues by creating great customer experiences. I believe that personalized experiences is a great way to turn customers into raving fans!
Do you go at the speed of your customers?
I love the phrase you meet your customer where they are. Keeping pace with the speed of your customers in terms of technology change is about that too. Even if you are someone that naturally wants to jump ahead and be a trailblazer.