I’ve been doing customer discovery interviews of Founders that start off with some demographic questions to place some context around the discovery questions that are the meat of the interview. It’s been interesting to hear the answer the Founder gives. Because it’s usually phrased in one of two ways: self-reflective in language that talks about the function of the company; or in customer-centric language that describes the market that the customer sits in.
When should you “unbundle” a product or service?
How do you identify when a piece of a product or an individual service may be something that can actually stand on its own, and may actually perform better if it was unbundled from the whole?
Why is it important to write your Value Proposition in the language of the customer?
The reason writing the Value Proposition in terms of the benefits to customer is gets stressed so much is because most products do start as the idea or creation of an expert, and experts find this task of defining their creation outside of their expertise to be very difficult.