The ideal is to make buying from us easy for the customer. Yet, using friction as a deliberate tactic can help to avoid buyer’s remorse. If we use friction with careful consideration, we can create raving fans.
Create digital experiences that benefit customers and employees
The benefit of a total experience strategy, not just looking at the individual pieces of customer, user, and employee experiences, is that you build stronger robust digital experiences.
Anchor your digital transformation strategy on providing value
Your digital transformation strategy works best when you anchor it on providing real value to the customer. Using automation, data and tools in customer operations enhance the experience.
When a customer complaint is something you can’t fix
Sometimes we can’t fix a customer complaint. Tactical empathy helps you to focus on the customer instead of your short comings. To uncover the impact for the customer. And to open up alternate solution spaces.
Make customer experiences memorable for all the right reasons
Even customers are wired to remember the negative, you can make a positive customer experience with your brand more memorable. You can influence your customers to remember the value in what you do for them. In subtle and consistent ways.
Have you thought about creating an online membership?
I’m attending a free workshop by Stu McLaren about creating online memberships. I ‘m sharing so that you can benefit too. Even if it’s all new to you.