Startup is a phase. Eventually a company will and should grow out of that phase. Normally in 2-3 years. To remain in Startup mode is actually to invite atrophy. A company that has emerged to a point where they have a loyal customer base and a viable business model does need to adopt some traditional customer facing processes for sales, marketing, delivery and after-sales services. Otherwise, they risk losing that customer base.
So what is a founder’s vision and how do you cultivate it?
When we think of the word vision, rather than idea, we think of something much larger. Like a diamond, rather than a zirconium. Where an idea is often flat or two dimensional, a vision is multi-faceted. A vision is complete – not in the terms of meaning it is finished – but in terms of meaning that it is whole. In in the Customer Development methodology recommends using the Business Model Canvas to articulate this initial vision. Which covers many aspects of the business, not just features and benefits.
Will Generation X and Z drive a more collaborative workplace? Will Millennials be left behind?
What I think will really happen when we move away from less structured organizational styles is that this will breed new ways of thinking and interacting in the workplace. Companies will evolve a style and leadership that focuses on performance and satisfaction for all its constituents – management, employees and customers alike. It will be as unique as their constituents are.
Why women in technology should mentor men as well as other women
There are a number of things that have come together recently to inspire me to write this personal leadership post. I think that it is important for strong woman in leadership roles to act as mentor to boys as well as girls. This is an AND statement, not a BUT statement. I really do believe in the work that women these days are doing to encourage girls to enter into the technology field and for woman to embrace technology leadership roles. I believe in ADDITION to that it’s important for us to do things to change the mindset of young men so that they accept us in these positions in order to prepare them for the future date when they are business owners, hiring managers, customers and staff.
Tackle escalations head-on, with a calm attitude and the purposefulness of intention
Be transparent and direct when discussing risks and issues with executives. (It’s also important to be tactful, timely and aware of priorities so as not to be creating tempests in teapots.) Management can deal with problems when they know about them. Problems arise when they don’t know about issues and the potential impacts. Ask any Surgeon or ER doctor.
As a Founder, when do you seek help?
I’m reminded of the Product Management principles of Buy, Build or Partner, and feel in some ways this is doing that type of evaluation on the product of you as Founder. I believe stepping outside of yourself and doing this type of assessment is key to a Founder’s success and a great learning experience.