When selecting a change agent, choose one that can lead well and gain buy-in. Do that and your change initiatives are likely to be one of the few that succeed.
Anchor your digital transformation strategy on providing value
Your digital transformation strategy works best when you anchor it on providing real value to the customer. Using automation, data and tools in customer operations enhance the experience.
Reframing customer problems increases understanding
Reframing customer problems can refine our understanding of it. Make it stronger and more robust. It gives us a better foundation from which to generate solutions.
Personalize journeys to how your customers make strategic decisions
Seek to understand how your customers make strategic decisions. At the segment level. Then create those conditions in the customer journey for them to make and own decisions.
Is your online business recession proof?
Recession proof your business by listening to the changing goals of your customers. They reveal early inflection points to change direction. Double down on customer experience practices that work.
When a customer complaint is something you can’t fix
Sometimes we can’t fix a customer complaint. Tactical empathy helps you to focus on the customer instead of your short comings. To uncover the impact for the customer. And to open up alternate solution spaces.