The way to do this is to cycle through the process of trying things, take measurements considering a defined success criteria, improve based on insights and try again. It’s also appropriate to abandon a campaign that hasn’t shown enough return on investment over time.
Key Questions to ask your digital design/development house to see if they can really deliver
The new way of working is to use a lean process of continuous improvement, where you test what works or doesn’t work, modify and adapt based on the results. This can change the engagement that you have with the digital design/development house that you are working with to provide your web site and apps.
Tackle escalations head-on, with a calm attitude and the purposefulness of intention
Be transparent and direct when discussing risks and issues with executives. (It’s also important to be tactful, timely and aware of priorities so as not to be creating tempests in teapots.) Management can deal with problems when they know about them. Problems arise when they don’t know about issues and the potential impacts. Ask any Surgeon or ER doctor.
Mapping CX – Charting the real journey of your engagement with Customers
Experience Mapping – whether on behave of the user or customer – is a relatively new concept . So there aren’t a lot of automated tools out there to do this. What you do find is that this is often offered as a consulting service or done as an occasional exercise by internal teams.
Using Google Analytics Conversion to Track Business Goals
The online metric that business owners are most interested in is whether or not their digital touch points (both web sites & apps) are resulting in sales and/or new customer acquisition. While traffic counts, source identification and behaviour metrics inform on fine tuning towards these goals, any executive reporting needs to consider a rolled up result as to whether the effort expanded impacted the business commercial goals.
Do you have an OLA between your Marketing and Sales teams?
A written OLA can be used as an input into a requirements document of any Marketing Automation tool / Sales Automation tool interface project. All too often, these two departments use different tools that are more tailored to their specific functions. In order for information to pass easily between them an actual technical interface is typically required. If the operational process is understood and the necessary information to be passed between the teams is documented, then building this interface and setting up appropriate reporting tools can be done more effectively.