It’s now 5 years since the implosion of the banking industry, fed partly by the short-sighted focus on near term profits and executive bonuses. With this lesson now imprinted in our memory, does it lead us to question if short term shareholder expectations have an impact on a large company’s ability to be innovative and pivot when the market goes off in another direction?
Miley Cyrus – Social Media Genius or 2013 Pop Star
Are Miley Cyrus and her team real geniuses at Social Media promotion or is she just a product of her times. At 21 and having spent a large part of her life in the spotlight, to me it seems a healthy response to use that spotlight to her advantage rather than become a victim of it. Miley is definitely not the first Pop artist to use negative publicity or unusual behaviour as a meaning of garnering attention.
As an executive, do you keep a personal score card?
So often we keep or demand score cards on the performance of our subordinates or delegates. Have we thought of doing the same for ourselves? If we don’t have a board or investors to report to – who measures us? If we have these, do they measure more than tracking bottom line profitability numbers? What are our other measurements of success?
MailChimp for Salesforce – Generate Leads from subscriptions to your newsletters
MailChimp for Salesforce is an App created by MailChimp and available for free in the AppExchange. I recently installed the App in my Salesforce account in order to sync subscribers of our weekly into Salesforce Leads and contacts. I’ve been so impressed with this integration that I decided to focus this week’s blog post […]
Those lazy hazy days of summer – how do you handle slow times at work?
With the summer now drawing to close, I thought it might be a bit of fun to reflect on some of the things I like to do myself and within my teams with these loose cycles to regenerate, keep motivated and get things done.
Bring Your Own Cloud – The challenge for IT to publically manage private data
With Bring your Own Device (BYOD) now common place in most Enterprise IT environments, the use of the Personal Cloud is being used as a solution to how users manage and share data across multiple personal devices. This new trend is aptly referred to as Bring your Own Cloud (BYOC). The management of which is a concern to security conscious corporate CIOs.