Even customers are wired to remember the negative, you can make a positive customer experience with your brand more memorable. You can influence your customers to remember the value in what you do for them. In subtle and consistent ways.
Should you offer your learning platform as a free service?
Should you offer your learning platform as a free service? I believe the answer is a very big IT DEPENDS. Often on your business model. On your products. On your revenue tiers.
The case for using freemium MarTech
Freemium MarTech can really be of benefit in our businesses. It allows us to flex and try things out without a huge investment. Once we consider a few rules of thumb.
When complex customer problems complicate messaging
Sometimes complex customer problems require complex solutions. We can get stuck in considering how do we address it instead of thinking of the customer first. Addressing the complex problems of your customer requires finding a way to be part of the bigger ecosystem that the customer’s complex issue sits in.
Data science lessons learned from experiencing COVID-19
Some people would ask, as a data scientist are you upset that the data actually failed you. Not really. Because I know in data science gaining insights from data is a combination of what the data tells you as well as a business person’s intuition and experience. It is a failure to rely too heavily on one or the other. You need to question everything. The data as well as our cognitive biases.
When marketing is considered the poor cousin to sales
Marketing contribution is often overlooked when marketing is thought of as a cost center. It takes time and effort to demonstrate the real contribution to profits.