Using an OKR framework has a stronger impact on your business success than the once a year activity of conducting a business plan review. Underpinning the OKRs with the 3 critical principles discussed here ensures your OKR framework is relevant, achievable, and transformative.
What can you learn from irritating sales call requests?
I’m irritated when someone reaches out with a connection request on LinkedIn, then quickly follows up with an ask for the sales call. I’m learning to ask what does that tell me about my own sales style. I need to ask for business in a way that not only works, but works for me.
Marketing portfolio growth sometimes means saying no
For our marketing portfolio, stepping back to grow, is about taking a periodic look at our business with a critical eye to make tough decisions. Growth isn’t only about what you decide to do. It can be about what you decide to let go of or step away from.
Marketing OKRs steer strategy towards the future
Marketing OKRs are a simple and effective way for companies to state and track their goals. We can then plan programs and drive initiatives towards achieving the key results. As a strategy tool, it then can steer where we put our energy. What campaigns we will run. How we spend our budget.
The Border is an Imaginary Line
The essence of the lesson learned is that geographical boarders are made by man and business can and does regularly work across them. Though for a variety of self-limiting reasons, Canadian tech companies often believe they have to make it locally first before they venture abroad. Yet with larger more lucrative markets outside of the country, it’s actually sometimes easier to achieve success outside of the country first. A strange but true Canadianism.