I’m irritated when someone reaches out with a connection request on LinkedIn, then quickly follows up with an ask for the sales call. I’m learning to ask what does that tell me about my own sales style. I need to ask for business in a way that not only works, but works for me.
Touchpoint quality increases customer experience
Excellent customer experience grows by improving every touchpoint over time. Even if some touchpoints are bigger than others. Know your strengths. Listen to your customer. Act on insights. Like all great disciplines, improvement comes with consistent practice.
What does your customer journey map do for you?
A customer journey map that is actionable and a current representation of the customer’s experience with your company is too valuable a tool to file away on a disk somewhere. How you make use of it is an indicator of the vitality of your company. Use it as a basis to continuously enhance customer experience.
Customer Satisfaction is complex
As we all saw this past year, things can change and change quickly. Customer Satisfaction metrics can be an early warning system of the health of our business. Before you see it in the other metrics like churn, retention, customer lifetime value.
Marketing shouldn’t completely delegate digital transformation to IT
A company’s marketing digital transformation project benefits when Marketing is the internal client. As the voice of the customer, Marketers understand why we want to transform what we do and can make sure it is realized.
Customer journey mapping or revenue funnel optimization?
Customer journey mapping or funnel optimization? They are different perspectives of the same thing. One is the the view from the customer’s perspective. One is our gated internal process. We need both in our business.